"The happiness which comes from long practice, which leads to to the end of suffering , which at first is like poison, but at last like nectar- this kind of happiness arises from the serenity of one's own mind." -Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 37

Theresa Simmons, HHP,LMT,LA,YTT-200hr

Theresa Simmons has been in the healing arts field for over a decade, specializing in many different modalities including natural aesthetics, master massage practitioner, yoga teacher training, varies studies in the ancient art of Aruyveda,  Certified forest therapy guide through ANFT, International studies in Thailand where she learned the art of Traditional Thai Massage through Wat Po, Permanent Make-up Certification in a course on everything eyebrows learning the artistry of eyebrow design.  

Theresa takes the time to understand the holistic health, beauty and living practices that is needed in each session for each individual.  She emphasizes and customizes each treatment session to tailor the needs to fit each person.  Theresa highly believes in her own continuing education in the health and wellness of the human body.  The human body and spirit is a fascinating study so, we are always learning and practicing ways to help us feel better.  Through different modalities and self-care, we can create space and movement for a more holistic approach to help live a more pain-free and wellness way of living through our own inner guidance and mother nature.

Theresa believes highly in her continued studies of health, mother nature, wellness and holistic ways of living a more mindful life.  She belief’s highly in self-care and wellbeing rituals and practices.  Theresa realizes the elemental connection that us humans all have with nature so she gets outside as much as she can, she is currently enrolled at Fort Lewis College in Durango Colorado Majoring in Environmental & Conservation Management and Minoring in Adventure Education with a certification in Wilderness Therapy. These studies are to provide more leading knowledge in outdoor group settings and to learn ways to learn ways to ecologically make a better impact with our planet earth. Some of Theresa’s hobbies are: traveling, hiking, yoga, making ceremonial cacao and playing with herbs, candles, incense and anything witchy, camping, visiting scary haunted places & anything with outdoor adventuring is her happy place!  


BA- Major- Environmental Conservation & Management Minor – Adventure Education,  Certification of Wilderness Therapy, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO.-Current

Traditional Thai Massage, Bangkok, Thailand

YTT-200hr, Scottsdale Community College-SCC Yoga and Iyengar Yoga Center, Scottsdale, AZ

YTT-300hr, Ayurvedic Nutriton Certification -My Vinyasa Practice-Current

Ayurveda Clinical Research Through Montclair Ayurveda, Online-Current

ANFT Forest Therapy Guide, Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides, Immersion in Costa Rica-Followed by 6 month Practicum Online Study

Natural Aesthetics Practitioner, Southwest Institute of Healing Art, Tempe,AZ

Master Massage Practitioner, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Tempe, AZ

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Instructor & Bodywork Practitioner, Chopra Center

Certificate Training in Everything Eyebrows, School of Glamology

Mission Statement

“Helping each thy soul to discover their inner beauty within and without through the connection with thy nature, beauty and holistic living ways”